【同义词辨析】 2017-12-05 假设presuppose-posit
presuppose: may imply a hazy or imperfectly realized belief or uncritical acceptance: a work which ~s a knowledgeable readership; or it may imply the necessity of accepting something that must be logically true: an effect ~s a cause. uncritical非批判性的
presume: suggests that whatever is taken for granted is entitled to belief until it is disproved: ~d innocent until proven guilty.
assume: indicates arbitrary or deliberate acceptance of something not proven or demonstrated: had ~d that the family would welcome his return.
postulate: suggests advancing an assumption that cannot be proven but that is accepted as true becuase it serves as the basis for some thought or action: ordinary humans must ~ the reality of time and space.
premise: indicates laying down a position from which inference can be drawn or stating facts and principles fundamental to an argument: an argument ~d on a belief in the value of a formal education.
posit: suggests the selecting of a propositions on subjective or arbitrary grounds: a company that ~s an eager customer for each of its new products.
presuppose预设前提: 待补,presume假定: ,assume自以为是地假设: ,postulate基本假设: ,premise基本论断: ,posit自以为是地假设:
记忆方法: 1)首字母联想APPPPP,AP是美联社(associated press)+PPPP想成四名工作人员4 persons或people或personnel 报道想当然<==假设 (personnel有2个意思 1、人员职员the personnel of an organization are the people who work for it, 如sales/technical/medical/security/military personnel推销/技术/医务/保安/军事人员,如five military personnel were killed五名士兵战死 2、人事部门the department in a company that deals with employing and training people,如the personnel department/manager人事部门/经理,如she works in personnel她在人事部工作,personnel is/are currently reviewing pay scales人事部现在正审核工资级别)
2) 假设的意思是想当然地认为或作为前提mean to take something for granted as the basis for action or reasoning. to take something for granted想当然、认为理所当然,如I came into adult life clueless about a lot of things that most people take for granted我已成年,却对许多大部分人认为理所当然的事情一窍不通,如he never took anything for granted他(指伽利略)从不想当然地对待任何事情